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Storm at Sea

(PID:37864387426) Source
posted by susan ogden alias ShutterlySusan on Wednesday 25th of October 2017 02:54:26 AM

Copyright Susan Ogden An evening storm at sea from the vantage point of Jennette’s Pier House, in August. I love being on the pier during storms, it is always so interesting and really beautiful! I really should have gone over tonight...it has been a schizophrenic weather day today and now there is a lightning storm over the ocean and i can watch the flashes of lightning in the clouds out my side door. I would love to be out there, but....... I have just sooooo many things on my plate this week that i know i have to let some things go as i get my act together. I have a new adventure beginning November 1. i am moving out of the store i am in (long story...and not one that has made me happy for the past 2 months....my contract ends on Halloween...hooray!) I will now have a wonderful vendor space at a different, established place in town that will allow me my own space...and i can sell both my art and my photography without being asked to pay “monthly dues for EACH type of art i produce”. I refused that option at the store i am leaving and could only sell my artwork there. In the new space I will have artwork and repurposed art, my photos, framed and matted and just matted, my calendars, and metal prints and my cards! I have good feelings about this space...in a successful store with a owner that is not a psycho who tells me “your art is weird ...and not my taste, but it sells so go make more weird art.” I mean really....who says that to your face!??? I have been with her for about a year and a half but lately she has been in breach of contract with the artists ...with our auto deposit checks being 2 to 3 WEEKS late. She was blaming the bank....altho there was never an auto deposit issue before...and i got myself one of those gut feelings that there are financial issues happening because she and the partner decided to lease a restaurant in town, and took a huge loan and renovated it...and it is not doing much business. i would feel bad but she has some really strange ideas for the place in an area that is sort of a cross between very family and Bible Belt! SO....it is time for me to move on and the new place feels like a great fit for me and my art! Wish me luck! Thanks!! :)

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  • Published 04.16.24
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