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Aerial Shot-Paducah, KY Like Never Seen Before

(PID:50993325976) Source
posted by Ohio Valley Aerial alias OhioVlyAerial on Monday 1st of March 2021 04:36:23 PM

Paducah has been an established City for almost 200 years now, and there really has not been much in the way of aerial photography taken of the City in that time frame. There was a rough aerial illustration map of the city made in the late 1800’s (possibly made with a camera tied to a kite and then the photo was reproduced via drawing later as this was before man could fly in planes, or created by mapping the city at ground level then using imagination to project it in an aerial view ), then some images of the City during the Flood of 1937, some images taken by Life Magazine in the early 1950’s, during the boom due to USEC, and a few images taken here and there since then and that is about it. In this whole near 200 year time frame, there has not been any high-resolution, wide angle shots of the whole entire city taken until late October 2020 when I started playing around with the idea and began making regular shots of the entire city. Seeing the City like this puts it into such a different perspective, and I wanted to share that with everyone as a knowledge tool. Here are wide angle shots of the City from late October 2020 to today from varying angles at differing times of day during differing sky conditions and ground conditions. I am extremely proud to be the founder of these shots and perspective , as this is something that man has never done before in this manner and perspective- a groundbreaking achievement!

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  • Published 04.16.24
  • Resolution 1024x338
  • Image type jpg
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