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Girona - Plaça de la Independència

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posted by Nora Caracci fotomie2009 alias fotomie2009 #NoWar on Saturday 17th of August 2013 05:12:22 PM

Luogo di rilevante importanza, punto di transizione tra la città antica e quella nuova, è una piazza porticata del XIX secolo, progettata da Martí Sureda dove prima sorgeva l'antico convento di Sant'Agostino. Al centro sorge il monumento ai caduti durante la dominazione napoleonica della città. È in questo quartiere che si trovano la maggior parte dei locali di Girona, facendo di questo luogo il cuore pulsante della vita notturna gironina. ENGLISH: The Plaça de la Independència, which refers to the War of Spanish Independence against Napoleon Bonaparte, is one of the best known and most frequented places in Girona. Located in Mercadal district in the city center, is also known as Plaça de Sant Agustí, because formerly the Convent of Sant Agustí had been raised there. The interest of the square lies 19th-century style, despite it is surrounded by austere identical neoclassical buildings with porches dedicated to the defenders of the city of Girona during the sieges of 1808 and 1809. However, the symmetrical proportions of square corresponds more to current interventions than its architectural past. The municipal architect Marí Sureda was the first who thought up an arcaded square with loops closed and neoclassical, with some buildings having the same aesthetic proportions. The urbanization of the area only followed in part their schemes. The construction of the first theaters in this city, broke down the idea of Martí Sureda. Until the 18th century, what that architect had imagined could not be completed. This part of the city in Noucentisme style is a romantic and timeless creation, from one century to another, nowadays captivates inhabitants and visitors. Today has great activity due to the gradual opening of cafes and restaurants. Explore 17 Agosto 2013 Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © fotomie2009 - Nora Caracci

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