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(2004) Bratz Babyz Carriage Cruiser

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posted by alias A Thousand Splendid Dolls on Thursday 5th of February 2015 09:42:54 PM

BOX DATE: None APPROXIMATE RELEASE DATE: 2004 MANUFACTURER: M.G.A. PERSONAL FUN FACT: I was never all that intrigued by the Babyz playsets when I first learned of their existence in 2011. However, I was captivated by their fashion packs, many of which were perfect replicas of full sized dolls' ensembles. But this Carriage Cruiser is an exception. It's just the cutest little baby pram ever. If this was sized for a Bitty Baby doll, that is where some of my AG babies would live, instead of the wooden wagon they are in now. I love how this has a retractable sun roof, to keep the baby cool. Even though it looks oddly short, a full sized Bratz doll can push this around. But if say you wanted Barbie to be the momma, she'd be a little too tall. Only one Babyz doll can fit in here due to their largely sized heads. But I'd imagine two Kelly dolls could easily sit side by side (unless they had crazy long hair). I got this in November 2011. It was part of "Craigslist #2"--a lot of Bratz Dad bought me as part of my "Christmas gift" that year (a lot of my dolls from around that time were supposedly for the holiday). I remember that when I first saw this in the box with the other bedraggled, but clearly loved Bratz, "1st Edition" Phoebe was sitting inside. At first I was not remotely interested in Phoebe or the pram, but over the years I've had a change of heart. It would be cool to somehow cram this on display, but for now I don't have the room, so it is best used for photos.

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