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Emmy Rossum

Emmanuelle Grey Rossum is an American actress, director, producer, singer, and songwriter. She is best known for her portrayal of Fiona Gallagher in the television series Shameless. Since the mid-2010s, she has directed and produced television, including the 2022 Peacock series Angelyne in which she also stars. Born and raised in New York City, she began professionally performing as a child with the Metropolitan Opera. Early on-screen roles included Genius, Songcatcher, Passionada, and Nola. At sixteen, she was cast in her breakthrough role in Mystic River. Rossum starred in the 2004 sci-fi film The Day After Tomorrow, and also received critical acclaim for her performance in the leading role of Christine Daaé in the film adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera. She is also well known for acting in the films Poseidon, Dragonball: Evolution, Inside, Beautiful Creatures, Comet, You're Not You, and Cold Pursuit. In 2007, Rossum released her debut album, Inside Out.

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Geffen Records artists
People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
American child singers
American operatic sopranos
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