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Bobby Shmurda

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Bobby Shmurda

Ackquille Jean Pollard, known professionally as Bobby Shmurda, is an American rapper. Along with Rowdy Rebel, Shmurda is considered a pioneer of Brooklyn drill music. He rose to international fame in 2014 when his song "Hot Nigga" peaked at number six on the Billboard Hot 100. The success of the single led to him signing a deal with Epic Records. His debut EP, Shmurda She Wrote, was released in November 2014. In December 2014, New York City Police arrested Shmurda and charged him, along with several other members of GS9, with conspiracy to murder, weapons possession, and reckless endangerment. In 2016, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to seven years in prison, which was reduced to five years after receiving credit for the two years he already served awaiting trial. After over six years in prison, Shmurda was released from Clinton Correctional Facility in February 2021. His release was widely celebrated across the hip-hop community.

Criminals from New York City
Gangsta rappers
East Coast hip hop musicians
Epic Records artists
21st-century American criminals
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  • Published 04.16.24
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