Chris-Cornell on topic

Chris Cornell

Christopher John Cornell was an American lead vocalist, rhythm guitarist, and the primary lyricist for the rock bands Soundgarden and Audioslave. He also had a solo career and contributed to numerous movie soundtracks. Cornell was the founder and frontman of Temple of the Dog, a one-off tribute band dedicated to his late friend, musician Andrew Wood. Several music journalists, fan polls and fellow musicians have regarded Cornell as one of the greatest rock singers. Cornell is considered a key figure of the 1990s grunge movement with an extensive songwriting history, a nearly four-octave vocal range and a powerful vocal belting technique. Cornell released four solo studio albums, Euphoria Morning, Carry On, Scream, and Higher Truth; the live album Songbook; and two compilations, The Roads We Choose and Chris Cornell, the latter released posthumously.

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Suicides by hanging in Michigan
Temple of the Dog members
Soundgarden members
Alternative metal guitarists
American hard rock musicians
Audioslave members
Grunge musicians
People with mood disorders
Sub Pop artists
Alternative rock guitarists
Alternative rock singers
American baritones
American alternative rock musicians
Musicians from Seattle
Rhythm guitarists
Burials at Hollywood Forever Cemetery
American heavy metal singers
American heavy metal guitarists
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